Categories: the economy

The new gas prices may come into effect from February

The Dhaka Times Desk The new gas prices are likely to come into effect from February. The gas price of residential two stoves will be 1 thousand rupees. There is a great reaction among the people about it.


Government decision to raise gas prices is almost final. The file has been given final approval from the Prime Minister's Office. Now Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) has taken note of the proposals of transmission and distribution companies to increase the gas prices. A maximum 122.22 percent increase in gas prices has been requested in the residential sector. The commission has fixed the date of public hearing on February 2. The commission will announce the new gas prices after the hearing and it is expected that the new prices will come into effect in February. The gas price of residential two stoves will be 1 thousand rupees.

According to media sources, the distribution companies have requested to increase the price at the same rate even though their proposals are different. In the case of two stoves in the residential sector, the price is proposed to be increased from Tk 450 to Tk 1,000. In case of one stove, instead of 400 rupees, 850 rupees have been proposed. Among residential customers who use meters, the price of gas per unit (1 thousand cubic feet) has been proposed to be increased from Tk 146 to Tk 25 paise to Tk 235. However, the price of gas used in captive power is increasing the most. It is proposed to increase from 118 taka 26 paisa to taka 240 per unit.

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BERC member Dr. Salim Mahmud said that following the instructions of the commission, the gas distribution companies have submitted separate proposals to the commission. The rationale of the price hike will be scrutinized through public hearings. After that, the Commission will announce the pricing. Public hearing in February. Then it will be executed. In that case, it is said that this new price will be implemented from February.

Meanwhile, due to the increase in the price of gas, a deadlock is going to be created in people's lives. It can also have a huge impact on other sectors of the country.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১২, ২০১৫ 8:31 pm

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