The Dhaka Times Desk A member of the party's media wing complained early on Saturday morning that the electricity connection of BNP's office in Gulshan has been disconnected. BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has been staying there for about a month.
The member named Shamsuddin Didar told, "There is no electricity in 'Basa' since 2:37 on Friday night." Claiming that the authorities did this deliberately, he added, "They are the ones who cut the power lines."
Yesterday, Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan announced, 'If the blockade-hartal is not withdrawn during the examination, the gas, electricity and water supply of Khaleda Zia's house will be stopped.'
It should be noted that Begum Khaleda Zia has been staying in the BNP Chairperson's office since January 3 amidst the political heat around the rally by declaring the one year anniversary of the current government as 'Democracy Killing Day'. The owner of this house on Road No. 86 of Gulshan Two is a former Member of Parliament of BNP.
BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia called for a continuous nationwide blockade on January 5 accusing her of being 'blocked'. But almost two weeks ago, the police removed all obstacles in front of the house, but Begum Khaleda Zia is staying there by her own choice.
Image and information: Courtesy of
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩১, ২০১৫ 8:46 am
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