No need to charge Swatch smart watch!

The Dhaka Times Desk Clock means battery or charging by any means. But such a watch was invented which does not need any charge. This is Swatch smart watch!

It may sound unbelievable to many, but it is true. Smartwatch but it does not require any charge. Nick Hayek, CEO of Swatch, the world's largest watchmaker, recently announced the launch of such a smartwatch. He gave a glimpse that this watch can come in the market within the next three months.

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According to media sources, a smartwatch made by Apple may come to the market by April. Watchmaker Swatch plans to release a smartwatch that can run without charging facilities at that time to compete with Apple's smartwatch.

Nick Hayek, chief executive of watch manufacturer Swatch, said that this smartwatch will be connected to the smartphone with the help of NFC technology. It will support Android and Windows Phone. While it's still a mystery what the Swatch-made watch will contain, Nick Hayek says the Internet-enabled wearable won't have to go to the trouble of charging. Market analysts consider this feature of the watch as a major breakthrough. Supposedly, it could have a long-lasting battery with special technology associated with smartwatches.

Another brand of watchmaker Swatch is Tissot; Which has been making touchscreen watches since 1999.
Swatch wants to compete not only with Apple in smartwatch, but also with online payment system Apple Pay. Swatch authorities have already started discussions with the two largest retailers in Switzerland.

In general, technology analysts believe that April-May this year can be an important month in the field of wearable technology products.

This post was last modified on জুন ১২, ২০২৩ 4:39 pm

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