Categories: international news

Storm on social media with the blackest child in the world! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Can't imagine it being so black. Found the world's blackest baby! Hard to believe. Is it really so?

According to media reports, recently a black child from South Africa has become quite popular on social networking sites. This child is the 'blackest child' in the world. His picture has spread all over the internet. And there are posts and blogs about that picture of that black child.

The picture shows that the child's skin color is very black. Not only that, but the shining bright eyes are also unusually black. The white part of the eye is barely visible.

But many people have doubts about the authenticity of this picture. Many people think that this is not a picture of a living child, but a picture of a doll must have been posted. Or someone has expressed the opinion that such a picture of a black child has been created by editing in Photoshop.

All in all, a mess has been created in social media. Can any man ever be so black?

Watch the video

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২, ২০২১ 11:38 am

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