The Dhaka Times Desk The nation is extremely worried today due to the increase in child abuse and murder cases in recent times. How many more children to die like this? Everyone's question to the nation today.
This is not the first case of child abuse in Bangladesh. This has happened many times before. However, recent events have made the countrymen very worried. But the most discussed incident was Sylhet and Khulna incident. They were brutally tortured and killed.
In Khulna's Tutpara, a child named Rakib (13) was brutally tortured and killed by blowing air into his anus with a compressor machine. On the same day, the body of a 9-year-old child was recovered from inside the luggage in Dhaka Medical College Hospital compound. There were 57 injury marks on his body, including iron.
On July 8, Shishu Rajan was tortured and brutally beaten to death for 4 hours in Kumargaon, a suburb of Sylhet, on the charge of theft. A 28-minute video of the killing was uploaded on Facebook. Similarly, on April 13, a group of 20-22 people from Mastul area of Khilkhet of the capital brutally tortured a 16-year-old Nazim, accusing him of stealing pigeons. After tying his hands and feet with ropes and beating him severely, he was kicked unconscious and thrown into the sand river.
In the last 3 and a half years, 777 children were brutally murdered across the country, but not a single incident has been punished till date. Because of this, these gruesome child torture and killing incidents are happening one after another. According to the Child Rights Forum, 777 children have died due to torture in the last 3 and a half years. In this year, 191 children were tortured and killed in just 7 months. Attempts were made to kill at least 11 other children at the same time.
# in 2012 209
# 218 in 2013
# In 2014 this number was 350
Incidents of child abuse and murder are increasing. The records of the Children's Rights Forum also show that a total of 2,801 children were abused, harassed and attacked in the first 6 months of this year in a total of 61 categories. A total of 175 children and young people were arrested by the police in 6 months.
Based on the above information, it can be understood that the cases of child abuse and murder have increased excessively in recent times. Experts think that people are perpetrating inhuman torture on children day by day due to social degradation, lack of human values. If we don't stop them now, we may see a more dire picture in the future. Exemplary punishment should be ensured for particularly brutal cases and extensive publicity should be carried out on humaneness towards children. Otherwise these tortures on our future generations cannot be prevented. For this, all public and private institutions and society should come forward.
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৬, ২০১৫ 1:05 pm
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