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Controversy haunts the movie 'Muhammad (PBUH)' [Trailer]

The Dhaka Times Desk Controversy is chasing the movie 'Muhammad (PBUH)' which is on the verge of release. The Iranian film 'Muhammad: The Messenger of God' has been chasing controversy in many ways even before its release.

The Iranian film 'Muhammad: The Messenger of God' has been chasing controversy in many ways even before its release. The most expensive movie in history is finally going to see the light of release. The movie is directed by Majid Majidi.

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British daily The Guardian says that although the face of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is not shown in the entire film, one scene is captured by the camera from close to the feet. Where the facial features of the young Muhammad (pbuh) are seen quite a bit. There is a problem with that.

In Islam, any physical depiction of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is completely prohibited. Especially Sunni Muslims follow it strictly. For the first time in Iran, a country of 95 percent Shia Muslims, an initiative has been taken to make a film about Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). But 'Children of Heaven' famous director Majid Majidi did not show the face of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in this film. The movie is said to be released in Iran on August 26.

It should be noted that Majidi took up the plan to make this 3-episode movie in 2007. The production of the first episode cost him 3 million dollars. The Iranian government also supported the production of the movie. Iran's Ministry of Culture has called it 'exemplary' for Iranian cinema. Majid Majidi boycotted a Danish film festival in Denmark in 2006 during a global controversy over a caricature of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Watch the trailer of the film

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২২, ২০১৫ 2:43 pm

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