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Date line May 5. Hefazat convoy towards Dhaka

The Dhaka Times Desk Hefazat Islam has started the program of Dhaka siege on May 5 through rally-meeting program at various places. The leaders and activists of this religious organization are moving ahead with the main program of Dhaka blockade by rejecting the government's proposal to withdraw the Dhaka blockade program.

hefajati islamhefajati islam

It is reported that Ameer Allama Shah Ahmad Shafi of the organization has already reached Dhaka along with the top leaders. In view of this blockade program tomorrow, May 5, Sunday, the convoy of Hefazat activists and supporters started their journey towards Dhaka from Thursday night.

More than two hundred buses reached Dhaka from different areas of Chittagong alone on Friday. Several hundred more buses will arrive from Chittagong to Dhaka by Sunday. On the 6th of April, in the long march program towards Dhaka, the detained people from different parts of the country including Chittagong could not reach Dhaka, so they started coming to Dhaka two days ago.

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It should be noted that Hefazat announced the Dhaka blockade program from last month's long march with the aim of realizing 13-point demands. According to the relevant sources, as part of the Dhaka blockade program, security personnel will take positions at the entrance gates of Dhaka. A large number of workers, including central leaders, will be stationed in the North Gate area of Baitul Mokarram, adjacent to Old Paltan in Dhaka. Hefazat leaders said that there is a plan to build a stage at that place. Senior Naib Ameer Mufti Izharul Islam Chowdhury of the organization said that only Hujur (Allama Shafi) can tell what their position will be. Not all details of the program are being disclosed due to strategy.

Counter program announced

Meanwhile, the divided Ahle Sunnat wal Jama'at and Islami Oikya Front have given separate programs opposing the Hefazat blockade programme. The Islami Oikya Front in Chittagong has announced a strike at midnight on Sunday. Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama'at held a rally and demanded the arrest of the top leaders including the Ameer of Hefazat. Moreover, some pro-government Islamic organizations, including Tarikat Federation, are said to be opposing Hefazat's Dhaka blockade program.

Meanwhile, there is an unrest going on across the country with this program. There is fear among the countrymen about what will not happen. How the government will control the situation remains to be seen.

This post was last modified on মে ৪, ২০১৩ 2:24 pm

Staff reporter

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