Categories: international news

Only 638 people own black money in India!

The Dhaka Times Desk In India, Wednesday was the last day of the government's voluntary declaration scheme to recover black money. Information has come that the owner of black money in India is only 638 people!

It is known that the central government of India has given an opportunity to voluntarily report the accounting of secret money accumulated abroad through tax evasion. A total of 638 people responded.

Although there was not much response at the beginning of this voluntary declaration, the income tax office in Delhi was crowded on the last day. Only one office was fixed for this work. So everyone had to come from different states. But the declarants themselves did not come as such, sending chartered accountants or representatives to take the opportunity. The total amount of assets declared by 638 respondents is Rs 3,770 crore.

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Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) Chairman Anita Kapoor told the media that the total number of declarants is 638. A total of 3,770 crore rupees was found. Now it's time to collect taxes. They will have to pay tax at the rate of 30 percent by December 31. In addition, the penalty must be multiplied by another 30 percent!

However, it is believed that, compared to the mountain of black money of Indians abroad, which is estimated from various sources, this money is absolutely insignificant. It has been informed that strict action will be taken against those who did not take the opportunity to report voluntarily.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২, ২০১৫ 12:20 am

Staff reporter

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