Categories: entertainment

There are two heroines opposite Ferdous

The Dhaka Times Desk It is called love triangle picture. The film 'Meghkanya' is going to be made with such a story. There are two heroines opposite Ferdous.

Among the two heroines of Ferdous, on one side is the famous super heroine Shampa, and on the other is the actress Nijhum Rubina. Actor Ferdoos is going to be caught in the love net of the two. Aries who will be caught in the net Ferdous?

Ferdous himself has confirmed that the work of this new film titled 'Meghkanya' will begin on November 8.

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Opposite Ferdous in Minhaj Abi's 'Meghkanya', career wise both the actresses are quite new compared to Ferdous. So why work in such a film? When asked, he said, 'I always enjoy working with new people. Moreover, different will-power works in them to do good.'

Heroine Shampa is very excited to get the chance to work opposite a hero like Ferdous. He thinks that since 'Meghkanya' is his 7th film, he wants to treat it as 'Lucky Seven'. On the other hand, this is Nijhum Rubina's second work with Ferdous. In the film, Rubina will play the role of a 20-year-old girl and then another 15-year-old girl.

It should be noted that heroine Shampa entered the silver world through the reality show 'Super Hero Super Heroine' of a private satellite channel. Two of his films have been released so far. In this month, 'I Love You Priya' will be released on November 20 and 'Gangster Returns' on December 4.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৪, ২০১৫ 2:08 pm

Staff reporter

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