Categories: entertainment

Roni Chowdhury's 'Rangbaji' awaiting release

The Dhaka Times Desk Roni Chowdhury's 'Rangbaji' is awaiting release. Roni Chowdhury commented that he will play with the audience with his action.


Roni Chowdhury is coming again to shake the silver screen. His action film 'Rangbaaji'. The story of the film directed by MM Rahim revolves around Roni Chowdhury. In the film Bindia and Lux Photo beauty Orin are the heroines opposite Roni Chowdhury. Kazi Hayat, Omar Sani, Amit Hasan, Subrata, Ilyas Kobra, Nasreen, Gulshan Ara Poppy, Shamim Khan etc. acted in other roles.

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The movie 'Rangbaaji' is produced by Prince Multimedia. It has been informed from the production company that although the date has not been fixed, the film will soon be released all over the country including Dhaka.

It should be noted that Roni Chowdhury came as a villain in the film. He came into acting through the film 'Jiwan Shimanda' directed by Gazi Jahangir. He conquered the entire film industry by acting in one film. He acted consecutively in Shahadat Hossain Liton's 'Pitar Juddha', Zakir Hossain Raju's 'Swami Sansar', Ilyas Kanchan's 'Baba Amar Baba' and Razzak's 'Ami Bachate Chai' etc.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২১, ২০১৫ 12:54 am

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