The Dhaka Times Desk The mobile phone may 'hang' repeatedly. But you need to know what to do when you 'hang' like this.
People's dependence on mobile phones is increasing day by day. Now no one can think of going a day without this little device.
If the mobile phone does not work properly for a while then many people get impatient. It is normal for a mobile phone to 'hang' or freeze sometimes during continuous use. Usually the mobile phone keeps 'hanging' repeatedly when various applications, games and videos occupy a lot of memory of the phone.
First of all, you need to check how much space is free in the memory and RAM of the Android phone. Google's new Android software Marshmallow-powered phone users can easily see how much space is free in their Android phone's memory and RAM.
Here's what to do to fix repeated phone 'hangs':
# First go to phone setting options. Then you can see how much memory is free there. Also check how much memory is occupied by videos, images and apps.
# then select Memory usage option from app options. Find out how much space apps have taken up on your phone or SD card.
# If an app becomes unnecessary, you can uninstall it. Many times even if you clear the memory by deleting unnecessary pictures or videos, the 'hang' problem of the phone can be removed.
If your mobile phone keeps 'hanging' after checking the above points, then you should understand that your phone has a technical fault. In that case the mechanic should be reminded.
This post was last modified on জুলাই ১, ২০১৮ 1:19 am
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