Categories: international news

A mother threw her child from the 5th floor to save from the fire! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We know more or less how much love a mother has for her child. A mother gave such proof. A mother threw her child from the 5th floor to save the fire from the building!

After hearing about throwing your child from the 5th floor, many people can think of killing their beloved little child! But not that, but a mother threw her child down from the 5th floor to save it.

One such video has now gone viral. In that video, a mother is trying hard to throw her child from the 5th floor balcony. On the other hand, the child does not want to leave the mother's hand because of the fear of death. He is throwing his arms and legs in fear. A mother was forced to do such an act not out of any malicious intent, but to save her child's life. Because the building was on fire.

It is known that recently this video was posted on social media by a person who is a civil engineer by profession.

The incident in South Korea was on April 30. A multi-storied building suddenly caught fire. The fire under the multi-storied building slowly consumed most of the multi-storied building. At first the woman did not understand the incident. By the time he realized it was too late. There was no way down.

He threw the child from the 5th floor to save his life and not himself. Then he himself jumped. The mother's attempt to save the child was ultimately unsuccessful. Because the rescuers standing below were able to save both of them.

Watch that video

This post was last modified on জুন ১৯, ২০১৯ 3:41 pm

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