Categories: Science-invention

Egg yolk is more harmful than cigarettes!

The Dhaka Times Desk We eat the egg yolk first while eating eggs, be it boiled or poached. Because Kusum is the most fun. But the researchers said that the egg yolk is more harmful than cigarettes!

We are used to eating boiled eggs or poached eggs at the breakfast table in the morning. We especially eat egg yolks. But this time, a journal of Western University in Canada has published that eating eggs is more harmful than smoking, and egg yolks are even more harmful.

According to this report of Anandabazar newspaper, a group of scientists of that university recently conducted a survey on 1200 men and women. In that study, it is seen that 'carotid artery stenosis' has been formed in their body by eating extra boiled eggs. Due to this, the possibility of brain stroke, heart attack is very high.

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Jordan Tomaselli, a doctor in the cardiology department of the American Heart Association, said that after eating too many eggs, carotid plaques are formed by smoking, but the same amount of plaques are formed in the arteries. It increases blood pressure a lot. Even the possibility of developing lung cancer increases to a great extent.

After hearing so much, many people want boiled eggs on the breakfast table. So how to eat boiled eggs? Doctor Jordan Tomaselli confirmed his solution immediately.

He said, our body needs 300 mg of cholesterol every day. There is 185 mg of cholesterol in the yolk of a boiled egg. Not only boiled eggs, throughout the day we eat many foods like cholesterol, protein. Due to this, more than 300 mg of cholesterol accumulates in our body every day.

Researcher Jordon's advice, if the white part of the egg can be eaten without the yolk, then the amount of cholesterol and vitamin E will reach the body. In a word, excessive consumption of egg yolks can cause excessive cholesterol in the body. So you have to eat eggs accordingly. If not, it will do more harm than good.

This post was last modified on জুন ৬, ২০১৬ 11:44 pm

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