Categories: international news

After breaking the dream, the ambulance married!

The Dhaka Times Desk A man named Guruswamy started a relationship with Netravati last year. Their dreams were shattered in an accident. So they got married in an ambulance!

ambulances & Marriageambulances & Marriage

Guruswamy worked on a windmill project in Chitradurga district, 200 km from Bengaluru, India. On the other hand, Netravati, a final year nursing student, is also a resident of the same region. A mass wedding was organized in Chitradurga on May 26. Well, the two will get married there. But due to an accident, all dreams were broken instantly.

Guruswamy and Netravati went on tour on May 23. They visited the historic Chitradurga Fort in Bangalore. Netravati suddenly fell inside the fort. He was seriously injured. His spine and back were broken. Finally admitted to a private hospital.

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After such an accident, Guruswamy became bewildered. This way before marriage! However, he regained his morale with the support of his family and friends. He decides that he will marry Netravati on the appointed day. As Guruswami agreed, neither did the bride. Ambulance traveled 200 km and reached the wedding venue of Chitradurga.

On the day of the wedding, Netravati could not get out of the ambulance even though she reached the wedding ceremony stage. Couldn't even get up from the stretcher for a little while. It was decided that they would get married in an ambulance. Finally it happened. They got married in an ambulance. After the event, the newlyweds returned to the hospital in an ambulance!

This post was last modified on মে ৩০, ২০১৮ 3:54 pm

Staff reporter

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