The Dhaka Times Desk A mufti of Pakistan has been suspended for taking a controversial selfie with Pakistan's most controversial model Qandeel Baloch.
One of the most controversial models in Pakistan is Qandeel Baloch. He is called the Kardashian of Pakistan. Recently, Qandeel Baloch was sacked from her post after a huge controversy over pictures and videos of her with Pakistan's top religious figure, Mufti Abdul Qavi, surfaced on social media.
Not only this, the country's Ministry of Religious Affairs has severely reprimanded Mufti Qavi for his controversial behavior.
In an order issued by the Ministry of Religious Affairs last Thursday, Mufti Qavi was dismissed from the National Moon Sighting Committee of Pakistan. Basically, according to the decision of this committee, the Holy Ramadan begins and ends in the country.
Popular as a conservative Muslim country, Pakistan's appealing Qandeel is a controversial model. Mufti Kavi and some of his pictures and videos were published on social media Facebook last week.
Kavi and Kandil's closeness can be seen in this. In the picture, Qandeel can be seen wearing a cap and making a provocative face while talking on a mobile phone with Mufti Kavi. Mufti Kavi was heavily criticized and ridiculed on social media after the release of such a controversial picture.
Then the model Qandil called Mufti Kavi a disgrace in the name of Islam. Qandil also accused the senior scholar of inappropriate behavior.
It is to be noted that Mufti Kavi has also been expelled from Tehrik Insaf Dal, a political party led by former cricketer Imran Khan, in the face of controversy.
This post was last modified on জুন ২৮, ২০১৬ 6:32 pm
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