Categories: entertainment

Telefilm 'I gave you the world' on the 3rd day of Eid at 5 pm on Deepta TV

The Dhaka Times Desk Written and directed by Tanmoy Tansen, the telefilm 'Tomay Dim Prithibh' will be telecasted on Deepta TV on the 3rd day of Eid at 5 pm.

Telefilm Tomai Dilam PrethibiTelefilm Tomai Dilam Prethibi

Story Summary:

Abir returned to the country after 20 years. The destination is the abandoned address of 20 years ago where he was born. As the bus breaks down in the middle, he has to walk a long way. He tried to stop many cars, to no avail. At last he stopped a car in an aggressive manner. A beautiful girl in the driving seat. Gave lift to Abir almost under compulsion. reach the city. The beautiful girl's name is Joy. Seeing Abir standing under their house in the morning. He got scared. Quickly came down and gave a very harsh word to Abir, asking him to leave. Abir says he has come to meet his father. Get up and win. Abi talks to Joy's father. He said that this house was bought from his father 20 years ago. Now he wants to buy the house with open cheque. Joy's father was surprised. Abir said his parents died in a plane crash last year. He has no one in London now. So he wants to spend the rest of his life in his native place. Joy's father does not make it clear. Abir says he will come again. Next morning, Abir took position in front of the house. The tent began to stretch.

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This post was last modified on জুন ২৯, ২০১৬ 12:11 am

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