Categories: international news

'Hillary founded IS': Donald Trump

The Dhaka Times Desk Donald Trump, the candidate of the Republican Party in the presidential election of the United States, said that the candidate of the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, is the founder of the terrorist group ISIS!

Donald TrumpDonald Trump

Donald Trump referred to Hillary Clinton as the founder of the terrorist group ISIS and said that Hillary should be awarded as the founder of ISIS.

"Look at Orlando, look at Bernardino, look at the World Trade Center," Trump said. Focus on what is happening globally. We brought ISIS to where it is today.

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Trump said losing to Hillary would be an embarrassment. Losing to Thug Hillary would not only be embarrassing, it would be horrible.

In reference to reports that there is infighting among Republicans, Trump also said that the party is united. I think we have never been so united before.

Trump previously criticized Hillary as a thug. Recently he also called him 'Satan'. In Florida, Trump claimed that if he had been president, the 9/11 attacks would never have happened.

It should be noted that Donald Trump, the candidate of the Republican party in the presidential election of the United States, has been talking about expelling Muslims from the United States since his election. He has to face extreme criticism by making many controversial statements one after another. This is also seen as one of his most controversial statements.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৪, ২০১৬ 9:43 pm

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