Categories: entertainment

Queen Sarkar is seriously ill again

The Dhaka Times Desk National Film Award-winning actress Rani Sarkar has fallen seriously ill again.

He spends his life helplessly in the house number 6 of Naboday housing intersection in Mohammadpur of the capital Dhaka. He often fell ill due to long-standing gallstones and other ailments.

Playwright GM Saikat, general secretary of Shilpi Oikyajot, told the media that this artist is currently fighting with life and death. We are taking his illness seriously. Actor DA Taib, president of the alliance, said, we were, are and will be by his side on behalf of the organization. Comprehensive measures are being taken for his treatment.

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Meanwhile, actress Rani Sarkar told the media that I will be grateful to the Prime Minister for the rest of my life. More grateful to Shilpi Oikyajot, whenever I am in any danger or problem - this jot has stood by me. Everyone pray for me for a speedy recovery.

It should be noted that earlier when actress Rani Sarkar fell ill, extensive writings started in various newspapers and magazines. When the matter came to the notice of the Prime Minister, he came to the side of the Queen's government. He handed over the check to his family and announced to bear the medical expenses.

This post was last modified on February 24, 2017 at 10:29 pm

Staff reporter

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