Categories: Picturesque

Ancient sculptures in Egypt were dug up!

The Dhaka Times Desk Two sculptures of two pharaohs (rulers of ancient Egypt) have been excavated from the suburbs of Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Archaeologists have said that these sculptures are about three thousand years old.

The sculptures were found in Cairo's Mattaria district last week. The area was once the capital of the ancient Egyptian city of Heliopolis.

According to media reports, one of those sculptures was recovered from the entrance to the temple of Ramses II, the ruler of ancient Egypt. The 8 meter high sculpture is carved out of quartz stone. However, the experts are still not sure who the sculpture belongs to. But it is believed to be modeled after Ramses-2.

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Another sculpture made of limestone belongs to Seti-II. He was the ruler of Egypt until 1200 BC. The two sculptures were recovered in a joint archaeological excavation conducted by Germany and Egypt.

Ayman Asmayi, head of the Egyptian team that took part in the search, told the media that the discovered sculptures highlight the importance of the two ancient cities of Heliopolis. Many residents of this city used to worship it.

Searchers are trying to lift the entire statue from the ground. After that, it will be renovated in another place, said Asmayi, the head of the German team who participated in the search.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৪, ২০১৭ 10:46 am

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