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Car accident on the roof of the house!

So how did the car go to the roof of the house? But really, that car went up to the roof of the house!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard of such a thing before. Although the matter seems unbelievable, such an incident happened in China. There was a car accident on the roof of a house!

বাড়ির ছাদে গাড়ি দুর্ঘটনা! 1

We know cars are on the road. But how did the car go to the roof of the house? But really, that car went up to the roof of the house! Such a surprising incident happened recently in the eastern Chinese city of Taizhou. Due to the driver's negligence, the moving car landed on the roof of a house on the side of the road. The driver himself was trapped in the car.

Later the police rescued the driver. The driver was brought down with the help of a ladder. The car was lowered with the help of a crane.

A reckless driver lost control in the eastern Chinese city of Taizhou. Due to which the car later ended up on the roof of a house.

Eyewitnesses said that there was not much traffic on the road. Many cars were speeding. Suddenly a car starts turning like a 'U'. The swerving car at one point hit the roof of a house on the side of the road.

The police arrested the driver after bringing him down. The driver told the police that he lost control to avoid a collision with another vehicle. However, the truth of his information was not found in the CCTV footage. Because when his car was moving, there were not many cars around or in front of him.

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