Categories: international news

See the magic of a Russian military helicopter! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people look like magic when they ride a bike especially those who are skilled at the stand. But now look at the magic of a Russian military helicopter!

Those bike stands are actually nothing, or can be said to be useless! So say a whole helicopter flying stunt. You may wonder how that is possible. But watching the video will make everything clear to you.

A Russian Air Force official has personally denied this. Recently one such video has gone viral on the internet. Where it is seen that a whole military helicopter is sometimes being taken back, sometimes being taken forward. Sometimes the pilot is circling the front side of the helicopter. Doing as he pleases such a big machine monster. You may be surprised to see this video! Looks like magic!

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Watch that video

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২১, ২০১৭ 9:51 am

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