Categories: Picturesque

For marriage, you have to go to the 'bride market'! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A city has been found where people, i.e. brides, sit like cows and goats. Brides are sold in this market.

বিয়ের জন্য যেতে হয় ‘কনের হাটে’! [ভিডিও] 1বিয়ের জন্য যেতে হয় ‘কনের হাটে’! [ভিডিও] 1

All the beautiful lovers are standing in line together in that market. Someone is doing makeup again. Someone is very busy fixing their wardrobe. Their behavior may seem like they are about to enter a beauty pageant. But it is not. The surprising thing is that their parents took them to that market to find a new partner (husband) for life.

This is a real picture of an open market in the city of Stara Zogra in Bulgaria, a prosperous country in Europe. This is exactly how poor parents in the Roma community bring their daughters to the market. For this, the union members of that community pay all the expenses of the girl's marriage to the parents.

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Marriageable young men come to this bride market to choose a bride. His family members were also present at this time. The boys choose the bride from among the girls present. Later their marriage was consummated only after the choice and consent of the family.

'Kane Haat' is installed four times a year. The haat is set up during religious holidays, spring and summer, hoping to gain the grace of the Roman priest. The young men and women who come to the market not only chat, but also play the role of matchmakers themselves. The youth of the conservative community take this opportunity to dance, sing and dance.

This is how families of the ancient Roma community in Bulgaria have been traditionally marrying off their children since the early copperplate era. However, the community union has to spend two and a half to four and a half thousand pounds for the marriage of a girl. Thinking about protecting their own traditions, their parents are bringing their children to the market!

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This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১১, ২০১৮ 10:48 pm

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