Categories: fashion

Gorgeous Eid salwar-kameez at low prices online

The Dhaka Times Desk Eid is coming soon. Many may have already started shopping for Eid clothes. Many may be planning to buy clothes again.

অনলাইনে স্বল্প মূল্যে ঈদের জমকালো স্যালোয়ার-কামিজ 1অনলাইনে স্বল্প মূল্যে ঈদের জমকালো স্যালোয়ার-কামিজ 1

Due to busy schedules, many of us do not have time to shop. But it is important to know about the Eid special collection of various outlets to get suitable clothes at affordable prices. To avoid this problem, you can choose your favorite salwar-kameez online. Visit the brand's website to know more about the various outlet prices on the occasion of Eid.

Bagdum salwar-kameez is available at different prices starting from 650 rupees. There are attractive discounts on certain items.
                                            Pure Cotton Salwar Kameez, Price: Tk 1850


Today's Deal:
You can get your Eid salwar-kameez in today's deal for less than 2 thousand. Here you will find salwar-kameez of different colors and designs.

Angarup Plus Unstitched Cotton Indian Three-Piece, Price: Tk 1600


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You can get your desired salwar-kameez from Daraj by fixing the price range according to the budget.

                                               Another Mela Pink Cotton Salwar Kameez, Price: 950


If the budget is low then the collection of Kixar salwar kameez might be perfect for you. You can get your favorite outfit from Kiksa's 1000-2000 rupees bahari salozar-kameez.

Indian Salwar Kameez Suit, Price 1780 Tk

You will get several salwar-kameez at Preyshop with a discount of Tk 200, 300, 400. If you like, you can order today without delay.

     Embroidered Dress Set, Price: Tk 1799

On the occasion of Eid, Mirao has a collection of 117 interesting salwar kameez. In addition to the discount, there is an opportunity to buy two products and get a low-priced product free.

Navy Blue Cotton Lawn Embroidered Semi Stitched Salwar & Dopatta, Price: 1886

Don't rush to buy salwar kameez online. Take time to consider design, price and other relevant factors and then order.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৩, ২০১৭ 3:09 pm

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