Categories: good morning

A total of 744 birds in the list of birds of Bangladesh including bulbuls

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Saturday, 10 June 2017 Christ, 27 Jaisht 1424 Bangabd, 14 Ramadan 1438 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

The two birds are the village birds of Bangladesh, the bulbul bird. This is a really nice bird. A very beautiful feather can be seen on the head of the bird.

Bangladesh was once called the country of birds. But that day is no more. Many birds are now extinct. Even if you go to the village now, you don't see any birds. But this bulbul bird is now seen in rural areas.

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According to the researchers, the bird list of Bangladesh includes a total of 744 birds. These include birds that were present in Bangladesh during the last two centuries (but are no longer present). The number of such birds is 650. Out of these 650 birds, 30 are now extinct in Bangladesh. These birds were in Bangladesh in the past. Of the 30 birds, 29 are found in other countries, but one, the pink-headed duck, is probably extinct worldwide. The remaining 620 species of birds have recently been seen in the country. They are believed to live or come from Bangladesh. Again, out of these 620 species, 143 species of birds are said to be 'irregular' in Bangladesh. The reason for this is that they are seen in Kalebhadra. The remaining 477 species of birds are regularly seen in Bangladesh. Out of these 477 species, 301 are 'resident' birds of Bangladesh which live permanently in the country. The remaining 176 are 'migratory' birds of Bangladesh. These birds regularly stay in this country for part-time. Out of these 176 species of regular migratory birds, 160 live in winter and 6 live in summer in Bangladesh. And the remaining 10 remain in this country in the spring, who are called 'Panth-Pariyayai'.


This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০১৭ 3:12 pm

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