05/09/2013 Archive Elderley person's hands. Keywords : Old retired nursing home care carer illness age aged aold aged mature elderley pension pensioner hospital caring retire pension oap elder older living alone social welfare sick arthritis senior health Photograph: Bryan O'Brien / THE IRISH TIMES
The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have given new information about the maximum life expectancy of humans. Scientists say they believe they have discovered the maximum human lifespan.
Scientists believe that in this period of science and technology, the life expectancy of people can be increased. So they have been able to hear a message of hope in this regard.
Scientists say they believe they have discovered the maximum human lifespan. A new study conducted in the Netherlands says that a woman's maximum life expectancy is 115.7 years. On the other hand, in case of a male it is slightly less 114.1 years.
It is known that scientists from Erasmus University in Tilburg and Rotterdam reached this conclusion after collecting data on 75,000 people who died in the Netherlands in the last 30 years.
It is believed that human life expectancy has been increasing continuously since the beginning of the 19th century. Human life expectancy is believed to have increased due to improvements in the treatment of many diseases. But will this trend of increasing life expectancy continue forever? The answer, scientists say, is never.
Professor John Inmah, one of the scientists in the study, told Medical Express that, of course, the average life expectancy of people has increased, but the life expectancy of centenarians is not increasing much. In particular, the life expectancy of super-centenarians, ie people aged 105 to 110 years, is not increasing much. Their age does not appear to exceed 115 years.
Previously, researchers in the United States also reported in their study that the maximum life expectancy of humans is 115 years.
The oldest person in the world was the French woman Jean Louise Clement. Jane Louise Clement was born in 1875 and died in 1997 at the age of 122. It is still unknown whether anyone can break this record of his. But Professor John Inmah said his paper would be published next month. Then the secret of long life may be revealed in that research paper.
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৭, ২০১৭ 4:29 pm
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