Categories: Picturesque

Titanic's last letter sold for a record price of 126 thousand dollars!

The Dhaka Times Desk Even after hundreds of thousands of years, the story of Titanic never ends. Still many stories of Titanic are coming up in the media. This time, the subject of a letter from the Titanic has come up. This latest letter from the Titanic was sold at a record price!

টাইটানিকের সর্বশেষ চিঠি বিক্রি রেকর্ড দাম ১২৬ হাজার ডলারে বিক্রি! 1টাইটানিকের সর্বশেষ চিঠি বিক্রি রেকর্ড দাম ১২৬ হাজার ডলারে বিক্রি! 1

This letter was written not today, but the day before the sinking of the British ship Titanic in 1912. This latest letter was sold for a record price of $126,000, according to a BBC report.

This is the only letter written on the Titanic's notepaper that survived hundreds of years submerged in the waters of the North Atlantic. It was sold to a British national. It is learned that the person participated in the auction over the telephone.

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Auctioneer Andrew Aldridge said the British buyer, who did not wish to be named, likes to collect all sorts of historical curiosities.

It is known that one hundred and five years ago on April 13, 1912, i.e. the day before the ship sank, American businessman Oscar Holverson wrote that letter to his mother.

Holverson boarded the Titanic from Southampton with his wife Mary. They were supposed to return home to New York. Holverson's letter to his mother also contained some descriptions of the Titanic and its passengers.

As he wrote in the letter, 'The ship is huge and looks like a royal hotel. Jacob Astor and his wife, one of the richest men in the world, are also with us. Although he owns billions of rupees, he looks like ten other ordinary people. He is sitting with us outside the deck.'

Holverson was one of the 1,500 people who died as a result of the sinking of the Titanic. Jacob Astor and his wife also died.

But Mary Holverson survived. When her husband Oscar Holverson's body was recovered, the letter was found in his pocket.

There are still traces of sea and water in Ochi Thiti. Holverson's letter was delivered to his mother.

Notably, said auctioneer Aldridge, 'this is probably the only letter written by a ship's passenger, which was not posted because of his death, but reached the sender.'

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২৩, ২০১৭ 11:06 am

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