The Dhaka Times Desk The use of glasses is now going to another sector. Glasses will be smartphone chargers! The invention of such a technology is going to bring the human race to the fore.
We use sunglasses to protect ourselves from the sun. Moreover, another reason for using glasses is power. Eye power decreases with age. Then we use glasses to read small things. But this time the glasses will be used for another purpose. Glasses will be used for mobile phone charger!
Recently, an American student invented a method of charging smartphones from sunglasses. Technology website Senate has given this information in a report.
Researchers have been coming up with different methods for charging mobile phones from time to time. Sometimes mobile charging from T-shirts, sometimes charging from shoes and sometimes smartphone charging through new technology chargers have been heard. Recently we have heard about methods of collecting energy from fire or charging smartphones from microwaves.
However, this time, Shayali Kalaskar, a student at Miami Ad School in San Francisco, USA, reported the discovery of a smartphone charging method from sunglasses as part of her project.
Kalaskar's method involves placing small solar panels on either side of the sunglass frame, which store solar energy while the sunglass is worn. And when the glasses are not in use, the frame can be detached and used as a smartphone charger!
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৩, ২০২১ 11:27 am
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