The Dhaka Times Desk Many things are caught at the airport. But this time Arshola has been caught alive! A couple was caught at the airport with about 200 live cockroaches (Arshola) in their bags!
Due to the strictness of the rules, many people want to take a variety of food items or something else with dust in the eyes of the airport security personnel! However, an elderly Chinese couple was caught red-handed even though they wanted to throw dust in the eyes of the customs staff.
Citing the Chinese daily Beijing Youth Daily, the news media reported that the incident took place at Beiyung International Airport in Guangdong, China. Recently, the security personnel became suspicious while scanning the luggage of an elderly couple there.
"The couple was carrying a white plastic bag," security worker Xu Yuyu said. While scanning the bag, it can be seen that black keys are moving inside. We then decide to open the bag and see”.
Xu said, "We realized that the decision was wrong when one of Xu's colleagues opened the bag. Before peeking inside, a cockroach comes up in his hand! I almost lost my consciousness in fear, Arshola was around 200 in that bag.”
The Chinese couple had to be interrogated for good reason. In cross-examination, the old man said that those Arsholas are needed to keep his wife's skin beautiful. Although he did not say anything more, the old woman opened the matter. An ancient cosmetic method in China is that if you mix cockroach bat with an ointment, the skin will retain its youthful appearance! That's why he was taking the cockroaches home!
The couple had to leave Sadher's cockroaches behind as they were not allowed to carry live animals on the plane. However, the airport security personnel, especially the woman who opened the bag and found that she is still thinking about the incident in a state of great discomfort!
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১২, ২০১৭ 10:28 pm
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