Cheaper iPods are coming to the market

The Dhaka Times Desk খুব শীঘ্রই বাজারে সস্তায় আইফোন পাওয়া যাবে, এমন একটি প্রচলিত গুজবকে নাকচ করে দিয়ে প্রযুক্তি পণ্যের প্রতিষ্ঠান Apple A relatively affordable version of the 5th generation iPod Touch has been released. With a data capacity of 16 GB, this iPod is cheap but looks not bad compared to other iPods, but rather exceptional and basic. From the looks of the iPod to the performance and functionality, it is different from other Apple iPods.


The outer casing of these vibration-capable iPods is only available in silver. Apart from the lack of color variation, the new 16GB iPod lacks many of the essential features of the iPod Touch 5. For example, the safety loop option of iPod touch-5 is not available in this cheap version. But the lack of a safety loop isn't the only cause of frustration. There's not much that's essential about this cheap iPhone. The most disappointing of the absences is the camera. In the 5th generation iPod touch, Apple has provided a 5 megapixel camera that allows its users to record high quality videos. On the other hand, in order to reduce the price, Apple did not provide any camera in this cheap iPod. In most cases the buyer not only wants to walk around with an Apple in hand, but at least wants to use its camera.

Now let's come to the main function of iPod in the field of music. In this regard, Apple did not discriminate much with the iPhone Touch-5. This new iPod has all the features of listening to music of iPod touch-5. The new iPod has a four-inch retina display, dual-core A-5 processor, iOS-6 and Apple's new earphones. In addition, there is a connector with lightening or light scattering capabilities that Apple brought to the market last year.

Now let's come to the matter of price. This is what will probably frustrate the buyer the most. Apple has set the price of this new iPod at $229. But a 32GB storage capacity, and a colorful iPod costs $299. Compared to that, this cheap iPod may not be considered cheap by the buyer.

The iPod is often referred to as the phoneless iPhone because it doesn't have the option to make calls. However, it supports all applications on the iPhone and is also capable of connecting to the iTunes Store. There is no difference in appearance with all other iPhones. However, technology product market analysts do not think that this new 'cheap' iPhone will bring much popularity to Apple.

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References: Indiatimes

This post was last modified on জুন ১০, ২০১৩ 12:58 pm


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