The Dhaka Times
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The story of a person who eats one and a half million chickens!

This person identifies himself as 'G Fan Fan' meaning chicken rice fan

The Dhaka Times Desk You must also love to eat chicken? Also tell me what is there without chicken in the present time. Chicken is the only hope for the price of beef or beef. But there is an exceptional story of a chicken eater today!

দেড় লাখ মুরগি খাওয়া এক ব্যক্তির গল্প! 1

Many do not want to go near the fish. Because eating fish is really strange. So many people think without chickens? So you have to ask how many days you can eat only chicken? Let's take a week, two weeks or even a month! So know, a chicken maniac has been eating only chicken for 450 days, every day. Not even a day of his chicken love!

The person has been eating pulled chicken since September 2017. Not only play, but also show people! So every day he took a picture of his chicken dish and posted it on Instagram!

Kui Peng has more than 11,000 followers on Instagram. This person identifies himself as 'G Fan Fan' meaning chicken rice fan.

So far this person has eaten about 1 lakh 37 thousand chickens. In total, 2,000 dollars of chicken he has stomached! His love for chicken is so deep that he even celebrated a special chicken's birthday and posted his picture on the anniversary of eating chicken every day!

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