Categories: Science-invention

Learn How To Put An Egg Into A Bottle [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Usually chicken or duck eggs cannot fit into a glass bottle with a small mouth. But scientific experiments can easily put an egg into a bottle. So let's start the test.

To do this test you need to gather some things first.

* One well-boiled egg.
* A glass bottle that does not allow the egg to enter easily through the mouth of the bottle. (A glass bottle with a slightly smaller mouth than the egg.)
* A paper.
* A dish.

Test Method:

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* First peel the boiled egg.
* Then hold the egg in the mouth of the bottle. Note, the egg did not go inside.
* Now fold a piece of paper a few times and set it on fire with the help of a matchstick, remove the egg from the mouth of the bottle and keep it inside the bottle. After 4/5 seconds, before the flame goes out, put the egg with the narrow face down on the mouth of the bottle.

Wait and see. What did you see - the egg slowly entered the bottle.

Explanation: When the fire inside the bottle goes out, the air inside the bottle is hotter and the air outside is cooler. As a result, there is a difference in air pressure between the outside and the inside. So the air pushes against the material of the bottle's mouth to balance its pressure to get inside. So the egg is pushed inside by the pressure of the outside air.

Watch the video

This post was last modified on মে ২২, ২০১৮ 2:36 pm

Raihan Malitha

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