Categories: Picturesque

A bowl of King Empire costs 250 crore rupees

The Dhaka Times Desk A bowl from the Qing Dynasty was sold at an auction in China, the price of which is 250 crore rupees. One should be surprised to hear such a price for a small bowl. What is the secret in this bowl?

A porcelain bowl from the Qing Dynasty is up for auction in China. This bowl was bought by a person for 30.4 million USD (more than 250 crores in Bangladeshi Taka). The diameter of the bowl is less than six inches. It has paintings in combination of Chinese and Oriental art. The paintings are somewhat different from the usual Chinese art.

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It was sold within 5 minutes of being auctioned. Besides, evidence has also been found that the emperor's family used this bowl in the 18th century. An unidentified man told auctioneers over the phone that he wanted to buy the bowl for $30.4 million. But he will buy it while keeping his identity secret.

The organizers claim that this bowl was made in the emperor's own factory. An object from the Qing Dynasty is considered very valuable and rare in China. And this is why this bowl is sold at such a price.

This post was last modified on মে ১৯, ২০১৮ 6:37 pm

Raihan Malitha

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