Categories: health talk

Foods necessary to maintain normal uric acid levels in the body

The Dhaka Times Desk in the body ইউরিক এসিডের The quantity is terrible gout is likely to happen. So to avoid gout you need proper food intake. Here is a list of some foods necessary to keep the amount of uric acid in the body correct.

Water: Water flushes out unnecessary harmful substances from the body. Apart from this, water removes excess uric acid from the body. Try to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.

Cherry fruit: চেরিতে রয়েছে প্রদাহ রোধকারী anthocyanis Which keeps the amount of uric acid in the body. It inhibits uric acid and stores anthocyanis in bones, thereby preventing gout. Besides, those who have gout, if they regularly eat 200 grams of cherries, the pain caused by inflammation in their bones will reduce to a large extent.

Apple: is in apples Maleic acid, this acid plays a special role in preventing gout. Maleic acid is an anti-uric acid so it keeps uric acid levels under control. You should eat one apple every day after meal.

Lemon: Contains lemons Citric acid. Citric acid reduces the amount of uric acid in the body. Try drinking two glasses of lemon-water syrup every day, mixing one-third lemon juice and the rest water.

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Bean seed juice: The risk of gout can be reduced by consuming bean seed juice by reducing the amount of uric acid in the body. Consuming the juice of sesame seeds twice a day reduces the risk of gout to a large extent.

Berries: Berry fruits especially strawberry fruits are now available in abundance in Bangladesh. So you can eat strawberry fruit or its juice. Strawberries help increase anti-inflammatory hormones in your body.

Apple Vinegar: Consuming fresh apple cider vinegar can help control uric acid and prevent gout. Mix three spoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it 2 to 3 times a day.

Beans: Contains beans Folic acid, this folic acid helps to control the amount of uric acid in your body. As a result, you can avoid gout by eating beans. Apart from this, folic acid is also found in sunflower seeds and lentils.

You can fight gout to a great extent with proper diet and proper treatment.

Data sources: India Times.

This post was last modified on জুন ২০, ২০২২ 12:25 pm


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