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On the occasion of Ramadan, there is a huge price reduction in Arab countries including Qatar

When Ramadan comes in our country, the price of goods increases. However, there is an exception in other Muslim countries of the world

The Dhaka Times Desk When Ramadan comes in our country, the price of goods increases. However, there is an exception in other Muslim countries of the world. In Ramadan, Arab countries including Qatar have a huge price reduction!

রমজান উপলক্ষ্যে কাতারসহ আরব দেশগুলোতে ব্যাপক মূল্যহ্রাস 1

When Ramadan comes, the prices of products are not increased, but the competition to reduce them is visible in Arab countries. The government of these countries issued directives to reduce the prices of products to give some relief to the consumers during the month of Ramadan. Traders also accepted the directive as a holy month. The Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Qatar has announced to reduce the prices of more than 500 food and non-food products in Qatar this Ramadan. Common people can buy these products at discounted prices set by the government in any supermarket or shop. All categories of people including Qatari nationals and foreigners will get this facility.

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce has announced that there will be a discount of 10 to 20 percent on all the essential products of Ramadan such as milk, chicken, rice, flour, flour, sugar, edible oil etc. This discount will be available from the first day to the last day of Ramadan. Retailers including all supershops will cooperate in this. Qatar government has launched this offer called 'Aqlmin Alwajib' to avoid additional pressure on consumers.

The reduced prices of the products have been posted in all major shopping complexes as well as given on government websites and social media.

Moreover, on the occasion of the month of Ramadan, it was also announced to provide an additional 50 kg of flour as a monthly ration to the citizens of the country. Also, the amount of milk and sugar in the ration will also be increased.

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