Categories: Lifestyle

The fruit of will is never bitter

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many individuals who express their failure by blaming various problems or poverty. Today I wrote a story to inspire them. Of course, this is a Bengali translation of an English short story. But there are many lessons hidden in this story. So let's get started.

Wilma Rudolph, a paralytic woman born in a poor house in Tennessee, USA. At the age of four, he contracted double pneumonia with scarlet fever. Poor parents could not get him proper treatment due to lack of money. As a result, he later contracted polio and became paralyzed. Wilma always had to wear a leg brace on doctor's advice due to paralyzing problems. Because the doctor said,

"Wilma will never be able to keep her feet on the ground."

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But Wilma's mother did not easily succumb to the doctor's words. He would never discourage Wilma for her problems. So he ignored the doctor's words to encourage Wilma, saying,

"Mother, use whatever ability God has given you. You move forward with diligence and faith in yourself. Of course you can do whatever you want."

Hearing these inspiring words from her mother, Wilma felt hopeful. Then he said to his mother,

"Mom I want to be the fastest human in the world in a race."

Using her mother's inspiration, Wilma took the first step towards fulfilling her dream. When he was only 9 years old, he ignored all the doctor's advice and removed the brace from his leg. Then as a second step he took part in his first race at the age of thirteen. But in that race he reached the destination last. He was not discouraged by failure. Instead, he continued to participate in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th races until he became the world's fastest human in the race.

At age 15, Wilma met coach Ed Temple at Tennessee State University. Wilma confides in Coach Temple about her cherished dreams. Coach Temple was pleased to hear what Wilma had to say, and told Wilma,

“Wilma, no one can stop you just because of your sprite. And I am always by your side to help you”.

Finally the desired day came when Wilma got the opportunity to compete in the Olympics for running. That was the 1960 Olympics. Wilmer's competitor in that contest was Juta Hein, a woman who had never lost a contest. Knowing that Wilma had to compete with him, he did not lose confidence in himself. The first event of the competition was the 100m race. The first Bajimat started from here. Surprisingly, in the first event, Wilma defeated Juta Hein to win the 1st gold medal as a reward.

After that, Juta beat Hein again and won two more gold medals in the next 200 and 300 meters races. His achievement became history. Because she was the paralytic woman who won the title of fastest woman in the world at the 1960 Olympics.

As a lesson from this story, we can say, believe in the power of will then no problem or poverty can hold you down. Ignoring all obstacles you can definitely succeed. Successful people work to achieve goals not in the absence of problems, but in the presence of problems.

This post was last modified on মে ২৮, ২০১৮ 10:32 am

Raihan Malitha

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