Categories: Picturesque

The reign of 8 kings and 18 rulers has passed the turtle Jonathan!

The Dhaka Times Desk The reign of 8 kings and 18 rulers has passed the turtle Jonathan! Even at this age, Jonathan is still moving, only seeing less. Jonathan is currently 186 years old!

It is unthinkable that a tortoise can live for so many years. This old turtle named Jonathan is still walking around, but he can't see much. He also lost his sense of smell. He came to St. Helena Island in 1882. Napoleon Bonaport was exiled to this island.

Governor Sir Spencer Davies named the tortoise Jonathan. Jonathan got this name 48 years after his arrival. Jonathan is currently 186 years old! Jonathan is the oldest animal known to roam the earth!

This is not a joke. Turtles already live a long time. But seeing this Giant Tortoise, the oldest living creature on earth right now, is truly a wonderful experience! There are documents to prove that he is 186 years old!

According to media reports, Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena in 1815. He died there in 1821. After exactly 61 years, this elder Jonathan came to the island.

It is known that Jonathan has already passed the time of 18 rulers and 8 kings in British history. Jonathan survives their period. In 1991, veterinarians decided Jonathan needed a mate. He was introduced to Frederica. Oh forehead! After 30 years, it was discovered that Frederica was not a female turtle. He is a male turtle! Later the name was changed to Frederick.

Jonathan the turtle is now very old. Jonathan has cataracts. He has also lost his sense of smell. But Jonathan is loved by everyone. Concerned people think that it is necessary to take a plan keeping in mind his death. After Jonathan's death, memories will be preserved. Its shell will also be preserved or waxed for thousands of years as a sign of generation.

This post was last modified on জুন ৫, ২০১৮ 10:55 am

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