Categories: Picturesque

Learn about some of the most dangerous and poisonous animals in the world

The Dhaka Times Desk Earth is the only habitable planet in the universe. There are many species of animals living in water and land in this world. There are some animals that look very beautiful but are deadly dangerous and poisonous. Today we will get to know some of the most dangerous and poisonous animals in the world. So let's find out.

1. Box Jellyfish:

The box jellyfish ranks among the world's most ferocious and venomous animals. It is commonly found in coastal areas of Australia. Among the jellyfish species, box jellyfish are the most beautiful to look at, but they are also the most poisonous and ferocious. The amount of poison contained in one jellyfish is enough to kill 60 people. Its venom quickly disables the heart and nervous system of the victim.

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2. Corner snail:

Angle snails usually live in warm, salty marine waters in Australia. Looks like a beautiful ice cream shaped snail. Looking at their shell, it seems to be mosaic with marble stones. But although they are beautiful to look at, they are very violent and poisonous. Animals infected by them quickly become dull and die.

3. Black Mamba

The Black Mamba is considered to be the fastest, fastest and most venomous snake in the world. They live in the rugged and rocky mountainous regions of southern and eastern Africa. They are on average 2.5 meters long. Although the snakes look black, they are very beautiful. But you can't imagine how terrifying they are.

4. Death-Stalker:

Among the death stalker crab species, these are the most fearsome and venomous creatures. There is no difference between name and work. They live in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. Animals affected by them quickly become unconscious due to severe pain and fever and die. There are some such species of crabs in our country but animals get sick but do not die from their bites. However, if attacked by them, he has no protection.

5. Cracked fish:

Cracker fish, they are a type of marine fish. Despite the mention of fish next to the name, they are very dangerous and poisonous. They attack other animals with poisonous bites. Animals affected by its poison die quickly by suffocation.

But we all know the name of the most fearsome animal in the world but it is not revealed anywhere easily. Think about it and see if you can say it or not.………………… Maybe many people have understood what it can be. The most dangerous animal is man. Because there is no animal that is safe from humans. We humans kill many animals needlessly. So think about what can be more terrifying than humans?

This post was last modified on May 31, 2018 3:32 pm

Raihan Malitha

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