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Visit the Himalayan country of Bhutan

It's really hard to find people who don't want to travel

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Sunday, June 10, 2018 Christ, 27 Jaishth 1425 Bengal, 24 Ramadan 1439 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

ঘুরে আসুন হিমালয়ের দেশ ভুটান 1

When people get bored, they rush to the most beautiful places in the country and abroad to change their mind. One such beautiful place is this place in Bhutan.

It's really hard to find people who don't want to travel. When people get bored in a monotonous life, then they go out in search of a little comfort, a little rest, a little peace for at least some time to see the natural beauty of God's other creations. That is, somewhere far away. As a tourist you can visit such a place in the world. If you want to travel outside the country, visit Bhutan, a country of happy people in the lap of the Himalayas. The natural environment here is very beautiful. Some places in Bhutan will relieve you from boredom.

Thank you very much to the photographer for such a beautiful picture.

Photo: Courtesy of

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