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Know some essential tips for family life

The Dhaka Times Desk Every human being is connected to the world. No person is outside the world. All family activities together form a family. So everyone has more or less role in household work. Today we will know some tips which are very necessary in our family life. So let's know those tips.

জেনে রাখুন সংসার জীবনের কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় টিপস 1জেনে রাখুন সংসার জীবনের কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় টিপস 1

1. To stop ants from crawling in the sugar container, place two to three cloves in the container. Then no more ants will come to that container.

2. Keep the candles in the fridge so they don't burn out quickly. As a result, it will burn for a long time.

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3. To clean the rice, add a few drops of lemon juice and a spoonful of cooking oil to the pot before the rice is cooked.
Then the rice will be clean.

4. Chickpeas not being cooked well? Then add a pinch of baking soda in the pot while cooking chickpeas. Then chickpeas are cooked
will become soft.

5. To make steel and glass utensils shiny, soak the steel and glass utensils in rice washing water for a while and then wash them.
take it Then they will be shiny.

6. To keep bananas fresh, wrap them in a damp cloth and refrigerate them so the skins don't turn black.

7. Do not discard the lemon peel and cut it into pieces and mix it with detergent. Then wash the clothes with that detergent
The clothes will be very shiny.

8. When food is burnt in a wok or frypan, burnt marks do not want to come off easily. In that case you have some chopped onion and hot water
Pour it in that container for a while. Then clean it up. All stains will be removed.

9. If there is a burn, stick a ripe banana there. Pain will decrease.

10. Apply mustard oil on the navel daily to get rid of chapped lips. Then the lips will not crack.

11. If you have pimples or white spots on the skin, apply neem oil daily on the navel. Then acne and white spots will disappear.

12. If the Banta masala is left, add enough salt and oil. Then the masala can be used even after a few days.

13. If you have a lot of lice on your head, apply the juice of betel nut on your head. Then the lice will die.

14. Drink betel leaf water regularly to keep the body free from toxins and bad odors.


Share the post with your dear friends or relatives. Then they will also know these things.

This post was last modified on জুন ১২, ২০১৮ 9:40 am

Raihan Malitha

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