The Dhaka Times
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Find out the answers to some interesting unknown questions of the mind.

Why does not blood come out when cutting hair or nose?

The Dhaka Times Desk There is something going on in our body and environment that many of us don't know about. Today we will discuss some amazing facts that will help our intellectual power to develop more.

Question: Why does not blood come out when cutting hair or nose?

Answer: Hair is made up of a special type of dead cells. These cells contain enough protein. And so there is no need to carry oxygen with blood separately. Where there is no need to bring oxygen, what is the use of blood flow? But the nail cells are not dead, they are a kind of living cells. But they also contain proteins in a special way. And so there is no need for blood flow here either.

Question: If you sit on your feet or put pressure on any part of your body for a long time, you feel tingling or numbness. Why is that?

Answer: If the nerve of the foot is pressed for a long time, the nerve cannot reach its proper message to the brain. Stress also disrupts normal blood circulation in the legs and due to this, nerve messages cannot reach the brain properly. It is this disrupted nerve stimulation that causes tingling and numbness in the brain. We say jhin jhin has caught. However, after a while the tingling goes away when the area is decompressed and blood circulation is normal.

Q: How do mosquitoes know people?

Answer: It is difficult to find a person who has not been bitten by a mosquito. As soon as he lay on the bed, he began to sting. But how does a mosquito know which person and which object? Mosquitoes don't actually know people, they know mainly the heat emitted from the human body and the carbon dioxide emitted in the breath. Mosquitoes know that there is food when they sense the existence of these two.

Q: Why does the water in the bottle make a sloshing noise when pouring it?

Answer: When a bottle filled with water is tilted, some water immediately falls into the bottom glass. At this time, a vacuum equal to the amount of water is created inside the bottle. Some parts of the bottle may already be empty. The void volume increases due to the leakage of some amount of water. In this condition, the density of the air inside the bottle decreases and the air pressure decreases. So at this time the air pressure inside the bottle is less but the air pressure outside is higher. Then it tries to enter inside by pushing the outside air. This upward pressure of the air causes a temporary obstruction in the way of the water going out and a kind of gurgling sound is made.

Question: Why does the flame of the candle go up?

Answer: We have always seen that the flame of the candle rises upwards. Never goes down but why not? To ignite something means to bring oxygen into contact with it. The resulting heat causes the gas to heat up and its density decreases. As the density of this hot gas is lower than the density of the surrounding air, it causes an upward flow against the earth's gravitational pull. This is why the flame of a candle or any other flame goes upwards. If the candle is lit at a point where the acceleration due to gravity or gravitational acceleration is zero. Then the flame of the candle will spread around without going up or down.

Q: Why are missiles fired into the sky?

Answer: A missile or mortar cell is usually fired at a certain angle towards the sky. Although the target object is not in the sky, it may be some distance away on the ground. The simple reason for this is that there are many trees, houses, hills and bushes in the way of the target object, which have to be shot from a high height to avoid. But if there is no obstacle in the way, then it is thrown upwards. The simple reason is that if it is thrown parallel to the ground, the earth's gravitational force and air resistance will affect it. As a result, the thrown object does not move in a straight line in a certain direction and falls to the ground curved like a bow. As a result, the target cannot hit the object.

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