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What does the rainbow rose symbolize?

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a song, 'eyes that speak the mind' but remember roses can also speak the mind. Flowers brighten everyone's mind. Everyone loves flowers. Some give different flowers to their loved ones. Rose is one of them. Many people say that red rose is a symbol of love, white rose is a symbol of friendship, so what is the symbol of rainbow rose?

First we learn about the uses of different roses. That is, what does a rose symbolize? So let's find out.

Red rose:

Read love stories, songs and poems to understand the original use of red roses. Red rose symbolizes beauty and love. Although the style of love changes with time, the appeal of the red rose as a language of love is eternal.

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Pink rose:


Along with red roses, many people use pink roses to express the language of the mind. Pink rose symbolizes love, gratitude, recognition. Say 'thank you' to a dear friend, reliable partner with pink roses.

White rose:


White is usually given to mourn and miss someone. But at the time of marriage, a bunch of white roses are given to the bride. Do you know why? Because the white rose can also be said to be a symbol of the beginning of a new life. White rose also symbolizes spirituality.

Orange Rose:


Orange rose symbolizes passion, enthusiasm, enthusiasm. Orange rose is used to inspire colleagues. By gifting orange roses, you are on your side.

Yellow rose:


Yellow rose symbolizes the most precious relationship in life. Do you know why? Because yellow rose is a symbol of friendship. Yellow roses are also used to wish happiness, good health. So you can show your dear friends how much they are dear to you with yellow roses.

Peach Rose:


Peach rose is a symbol of health. Peach roses can be given as a gift to express someone's honesty, sincerity and compassion.

Now the topic is rainbow rose then what does it symbolize? First, let's take a look at the history of the rainbow rose.
As all the seven colors of the rainbow exist, this rose is named Rainbow Rose. In 2005, Peter Van De Werken, the owner of the Dutch flower company, invented this new rose. Initially, he invented this rose with artificial colors, but later he was able to grow this rose on trees. He started coloring each petal separately when the rose bud was in its early stage. After the petals slowly meet, it blooms in a wonderful rainbow color.
Since all the colors of roses exist in this rose, this rose can be used to express love, sincerity, missing, friendship, passion etc. all at once. So the rainbow rose can be said to be a symbol of everything.

This post was last modified on জুন ২৮, ২০১৮ 2:43 pm

Raihan Malitha

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