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Mobile 'Airbag' Will Protect Your Phone From Breaking

Philip Frenzel has already won the prize of the German Mechatronics Society for inventing the mobile airbag

The Dhaka Times Desk Unexpectedly sometimes the phone falls out of our hands. As a result, the phone gets damaged or broken. We often suffer financially due to this problem. Therefore, to solve this problem, a student named Philip Frenzel from Germany has invented a mobile airbag that will protect the mobile from being broken or damaged.

He is a student of engineering at Allen University, Germany. According to him, “Sometimes it is normal for the phone to fall out of hand due to carelessness while talking or doing some other work. However, due to this fall many times the phone gets damaged or the display gets damaged. He has been working for a long time to solve this problem. Finally he succeeded. Philip Frenzel has already won the prize of the German Mechatronics Society for inventing the mobile airbag. He plans to launch the device on Kickstarter this month in partnership with another university student, Peter Meyer.

How airbags work:

When the mobile suddenly falls from your hands, just before it hits the ground, four angle-shaped safe guards will come out from the mobile airbag protector, which will protect your mobile from getting hurt. Normally these safe guards will be hidden inside your mobile.

They hope that if this technology or a similar advanced design can be used, thousands of dollars can be saved from phone damage or repair every year.

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