Categories: Picturesque

The world's highest bridge was built in China! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The world's highest bridge was built in China! At the end of 2016, traffic on the world's highest bridge began. This bridge is located in the southwest region of China

China's Beipanjiang Bridge is the tallest bridge in the world. In late 2016, traffic on the world's tallest bridge began. The bridge is located in the southwest region of China

It is known that the Beipanjiang Bridge is the link between Yunnan and Guizhou Province. The height of Beipanjiang Bridge is 565 meters or 1,854 feet above the river bed. Due to the construction of this bridge, the travel time from Xuanwei in Yunnan to Shuicheng in Guizhou Province has been reduced from four hours to one hour. The cost of building this bridge is 100 million yuan or 144 million US dollars.

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It is known that the length of the Beipanjiang Bridge is 1,341 meters. The Si Du Bridge in central China's Hubei Province has now become the second tallest bridge in the world. China has several of the tallest bridges in the world.

The Beipan River is below the four-lane road of this bridge. The construction of this bridge started in 2013. Note that by 2020, the number of bridges over 100 meters high in Guizhou Province is expected to exceed 250.

Watch the video of the tallest bridge in the world

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০১৮ 12:13 pm

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