The Dhaka Times Desk Now the raw and ripe mangoes are available in the market. Many people keep mangoes for eating or making juice. But there is a danger. And that is to mix formalin and other harmful chemicals in the mango to preserve it for a long time. How to recognize formalin-free mango? Know the matter.
Eating formalinized mangoes can lead to death, cancer, kidney, liver, and various other organ damage, disability, and even various complex diseases.
If you see any signs, you will know if it contains formalin. Find out today:
Formalinized mangoes can also be identified by color. Naturally ripe mangoes will have a mixture of yellow and green. Sometimes it is also seen in unripe color. Again, the mango will have white and black spots. But mangoes ripened with formalin and other chemicals will look completely yellow. It will look very beautiful and shiny. There will be no scars.
A naturally ripe mango will have a reddish-yellow inner flesh, but a formalin-treated mango will have a light or dark yellow inside. This means that the mango looks ripe on the outside but the inside is not.
Naturally ripe mangoes are quite sweet and contain a lot of juice. But formalinized mangoes have less juice. The inside is ripe but less juice comes out.
Naturally ripened mango sticks will have aroma but formalinized mango sticks will have no aroma. So you can dry the smell before buying.
Formalin-free mangoes will taste sweet and sour. Also flies will sit on these mangoes. But formalinized mango will not have any taste. Even flies do not sit in them. Doctors say that eating mango with formalin can cause mild irritation in the mouth. Some may also experience abdominal pain, sore throat and diarrhoea.
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৬, ২০১৮ 7:41 pm
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