The Dhaka Times Desk This is the first time in the world that electric battery powered airplanes, ferries and other vehicles have been launched in Norway. The Norwegian government has undertaken concrete plans to convert its entire transport system to an electric-fuelled system. By 2025, all vehicles except electric battery powered vehicles are being banned in the country keeping in mind various benefits including protecting the environment.
All transport, including airplanes, ferries, will now run on electric batteries. Already, some vehicles including some airplanes, ferries have started running on electric batteries. By 2040, all of Norway's short-haul planes are planned to run on electric batteries. Journalists gathered in a hangar at Oslo Airport to see how the electric battery-powered plane takes to the skies. Getting a grown man into a seat in this small plane is a real struggle. You have to fold yourself a lot and sit on its seat. A bit like a ride at a children's park. But this is one of the most advanced aircraft in the world.
The engine sound of this plane is unlike any other plane. It looks like a big fan is spinning. And no smoke comes out of its engine. The Norwegian government is considering operating short-haul flights, mainly covering distances of 200 to 300 km, with electric battery-powered aircraft. Tina Tymozoecki, the inventor of the electric plane, said that they will work on a larger scale later.
Electric battery powered ferries have already started operating in western Norway. On this ferry, you can't even hear a word. Those who are usually used to riding the ferry will not understand whether the ferry is running or not when they first get on this ferry. Stine Johansson is the captain of one such ferry. He shares an interesting experience. “A few months ago I went overtime on one of our old ferries. The ferry was powered by a diesel engine. I was on that ship for a week. Then I came here and started running this battery powered ferry. So at first I thought, I must have forgotten to start my ferry engine. Because the engine of this ferry is so quiet. I actually didn't forget to start the engine. I forgot that this engine actually makes almost no noise and no smoke from this engine.”
In addition, many electric battery-powered cars have started running in Norway. On the streets of Bergen, a man named Unnis Fairen drives an electric car. The Norwegian government subsidizes the electric car very well. He uses this car for his general commuting especially for taking children to school. “It is cheap in price, its running and maintenance costs are also quite low. Norway has shown the world how to use electricity in the transport sector.
This post was last modified on July 6, 2018 10:41 am
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