Categories: Lifestyle

Find out how many hours successful people sleep

The Dhaka Times Desk Sleep is essential for our health. Doctors generally recommend at least 8 hours of sleep daily. That is, if you live for 60 years, you will spend 20 years sleeping. Many of us do not calculate in this way. Even without sleep, people cannot perform normal daily activities. But those who are successful in life do they sleep 8 hours a day? Today we will know how many successful people sleep daily?

In fact, people who want to achieve success prioritize work over sleep. As a result of which all those great people have reached the highest peak of success. Let's know the sleep information of some successful people.

Mark Zuckerberg:

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When it comes to social media, the first name that comes to mind is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the world's largest social networking site, Facebook. He is busy with work all day. He does not like to waste time on anything other than work. He keeps himself fit by sleeping 5 hours daily. So does not like to sleep much.

Shah Rukh Khan:

Shah Rukh Khan is the most successful hero in the media world of India. He is known as King Khan of Bollywood. He is winning hearts as a successful hero all over the world. All day busy with various shooting, party business. On top of that, his engagement increased during the IPL. He spends only 3 to 4 hours of sleep daily.

Barack Obama:

Barack Obama is known as the successful president of America. He does all the work according to a schedule every day. He allotted less than 6 hours of sleep in that. Now even as a former president, he doesn't sleep much longer than that.

Jack Dorsey:

He is the founder of the social media platform Twitter. Spend most of the day on social media. He spends 8 to 10 hours daily on Twitter. There is a meeting with. He has only 5 hours allotted for sleeping.

Marissa Mae's:

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mae works more than 130 hours a week. He absolutely dislikes oversleeping. Work is the key to success for him. He does not sleep more than 4 to 5 hours daily.

Donald Trump:

Current US President Donald Trump. He is also a successful businessman. He is busy with his country and his business all day long. So spend only 3-4 hours of sleep daily.

Elon Musk:

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, Tesla, PayPal, Hyperloop, and the brainchild of the world, spends his days in business and innovation. He spends only 6 hours of sleep daily.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৬, ২০১৮ 8:10 pm

Raihan Malitha

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