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How to get rid of dark spots on neck in just one week

When you see yourself in the mirror and the skin on your neck doesn't match your face, you feel bad for yourself.

The Dhaka Times Desk People are only worshipers of beauty. Everyone wants to make themselves more beautiful. But dark spots on the neck make your beautiful appearance unattractive and somewhat untidy to others. When you see yourself in the mirror and the skin on your neck doesn't match your face, you feel bad for yourself. Today we will know how to remove these dark spots on the neck in just 7 days and maintain harmony with your appearance.

First of all, we will know why these black spots are created on the neck?

1. Especially those who are a little fat are more likely to see these dark spots on their necks.

2. Many of us may apply soap on our neck while bathing but we do not clean our neck properly before applying soap. Soap only cleans the loose dirt on the skin, but if the dirt stuck inside the hair follicle is not cleaned well, black spots are formed later.

3. Sweat and dust mixed with some kind of lining around the neck. If left like this for a few hours, they dry up and cause black spots on the neck.

How to remove these black spots?

To remove dark spots you need to make a natural paste. For this you will need-

1. raw milk
2. Sandalwood powder
3. gram flour
4. lemon juice

First mix 2 teaspoon raw milk with half teaspoon sandalwood powder well. Then make a paste by mixing a teaspoon of gram flour or rice powder and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in that mixture. Now wash your neck well with cold water 15 minutes before bath and then wipe it. Now massage the paste well on the neck and wait for 15 minutes. When the valve is dry, wash it gently with a soft cloth. You can also take it again at night before going to bed. Use this way for a week. Then notice how your neck skin looks a week ago and now. Once the prepared paste is kept in a cold environment, it can be used for two to three days.

Next, try not to keep dust and sweat on the neck for a long time. So try to wash your neck 4-5 times daily. By using this paste you can remove black spots from any part of the body.

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