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Nadir Shah sent a letter to BCB apologizing

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh Cricket Board banned Nadir Shah for 10 years for match fixing. In a match in 2012, Nadir Shah is making wrong decisions for money, Indian TV channel published a video. BCB took this decision after being found guilty from there. Nadir Shah sent a letter of apology to BCB in order to mitigate the punishment.


He said, "I applied to the board president and the letter was accepted by Bangladesh cricket team CEO Nizamuddin Ahmed. I have completed almost a year of my punishment. I have appealed to the board that if my sentence is reduced to 2 to 3 years then I can return to umpiring again."

The hidden TV report revealed that Nadir Shah and other umpires from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka used to give wrong decisions on the field for money in domestic T20 leagues. The problem is, Nadir Shah wanted to leak the information of the rest of the umpires in exchange for money to the disguised TV reporter, and he himself got caught!

Nadir Shah, who has officiated only 40 international cricket matches and 3 T20 Internationals, met the undercover reporter and introduced the rest of the umpires via internet video chat.

Finally, Nadir Shah said, he once realized his mistake and wanted to help the reporter because he received some threats during his stay at the Delhi hotel. It is to be noted that after the investigation, he admitted his guilt to BCB.

Reference: Cricinfo

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