Categories: international news

Trump in Scotland and the opposition protest!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the United Kingdom, this time there was a massive anti-Trump protest in the state of Scotland. Trump's mother was Scottish. Still, Donald Trump did not get concessions from the Scottish!

After the United Kingdom, this time there was a massive anti-Trump protest in the state of Scotland. It is known that Donald Trump's mother was a Scottish. On that basis, US President Donald Trump faced widespread protests even after going on a two-day personal visit to Scotland. About 9,000 people protested in Edinburgh against Trump's visit. The people of this city took to the streets and protested.

After the tour, Donald Trump left Scotland on Air Force One. Trump was accompanied by wife Melania Trump. Trump is scheduled to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki after his visit to Scotland.

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According to a BBC report, US President Donald Trump stepped into Scotland despite thousands of anti-Trump protests in the state of Scotland. After a two-day visit to England, Trump arrived in Scotland last Friday night local time.

Donald Trump has a golf resort in Ayrshire. That's where Trump vacations at his Turnberry golf resort.

Anti-Trump protesters gathered in Glasgow's George Square after hearing the news of Donald Trump's arrival in Scotland. Anti-Trump slogans can be seen written on various banners and festoons.

Donald Trump has visited Scotland many times before. However, after becoming president, he went there for the first time and met with protests. Donald Trump could not even meet the First Minister of Scotland. The reason is that he did not agree to meet him!

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৬, ২০১৮ 3:14 pm

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