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Some famous motivational or motivational quotes

One of the world's teachers is autobiography and quotes of famous people

The Dhaka Times Desk People love to imitate and follow. All famous sages of the world are our source of inspiration. We can be inspired by their work and move forward in the future. Today we are going to know some of the best quotes of famous people which may change our life.

অনুপ্রেরণা বা প্রেষণামূলক কিছু বিখ্যাত উক্তি 1

1. “Once in an exam I failed in a few subjects but my friend passed in all subjects. Now that's my friend
A skilled engineer at Microsoft and I am the founder of that Microsoft.” —Bill Gates.

2. "The sight with which the mind is not in touch is not seeing, but looking." — Nomads.

3. "The perfect man who has seen life change and changed with the change." —Byron.

4. "Everyone wants to live long, but no one wants to grow old." —Jonathan Swift.

5. "The youth whose youth is virtuous, beautiful and active, whose old age is called the golden age." —George Grossville.

6. "If no one cries when I'm gone, I'm worthless." —Swift.

7. "He who talks to everyone in tune, has no personality." —Mark Twain.

8. "The true man who can consider the faults of others with himself." —Lord Haley Fox.

9. "A dishonest person finds no noble purpose in the actions of an honest person." —John Baker.

10. "The root of all sorrow is excessive attachment to this world." —Hazrat Ali (RA).

11. "An honest man rises seven times in danger, but a dishonest man perishes once in danger." — Hazrat Sulaiman

12. "He who cannot open his heart to laugh, is the unhappiest man in the world." —John Lilley.

13. "It is better to live in a hut with complete satisfaction, than to live in a big mansion with dissatisfaction." —Williams Heads.

14. "It is not your fault if you are born poor, but it is your fault if you die poor." —Bill Gates.
15. "Work patiently even if it takes time, then you will be established." —W. S. Land's.

16. "The joy of love is short but the pain lasts a lifetime." — Rabindranath Tagore.

17. "The fear of God frees man from all fear." — Ibn Sina.

18. "A nation that makes its children sleep by scaring cats, how will they learn to fight lions?" - Shere Bangla A. K.
Fazlul Haque

19. "The love that has the fear of not getting it and both of them think about it, that love is true love." –
Redwan Masud

20. "It is dangerous to trust everyone, but even more dangerous to trust no one." -Abraham Lincoln.

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